All Blog Articles, arranged here by Year and Month.

June 2020


Remember this from the Bible: Love thy neighbour...

... as thyself. A version of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. First found in the Old Testament. Jesus tells the parable of the Goo read more..


The ancient story of the two wolves - worth pondering.

Prem Rawat likes to tell the story of the two wolves. "In a village far away, a boy was puzzled by the behaviour of the villagers and went to the chief and asked if he could ask a him a question. The... read more..


Comparing religious organisations v religion. How does it stack up?

As I wrote elsewhere, there is a great deal of difference between Religion as I use the term and the organisations which claim Religion as their own.   So, what is Religion? To me, it's the pat... read more..


What's the point in living? Ever asked that question?

Listening to the news - not always the most helpful activity - I'm reminded of something my friend Jon said in the 70's: "The only good things in the world are atomic weapons and cancer." A bit drasti... read more..


Justice v. Law - what kind of realtionship do we have here?

I had a look to see what justice means with Google. Interestingly, I found the following list of interpersonal skills required by the State of Ontario for the selection of a Justice of the Peace  ... read more..