The idea that “you are born alone, and you die alone” has always resonated with me on a deep level. By "alone" I mean that you arrive, locked into that body which is now detached and "on its own" from now on. Similarly, at the end is when your personal light goes out with the last breath. It’s a reminder of the solitary nature of our existence and the realization that, ultimately, I am responsible for my own journey through life. It doesn’t mean I devalue relationships or community; I cherish those deeply. But it highlights the importance of self-reliance, self-awareness, and taking personal responsibility for my actions. Prem Rawat, whose teachings about peace and inner fulfilment I admire, often emphasizes how we must turn inward and rely on ourselves to navigate life’s challenges.
My Journey of Self-Reliance
Through Rawat’s teachings, I’ve learned to appreciate the power of self-reliance. From the moment we are born, we are equipped with everything we need to face life’s ups and downs—our thoughts, emotions, and the ability to make choices. It’s easy to get lost in the pursuit of external validation, constantly looking for happiness or guidance outside ourselves. I’ve done it more times than I’d like to admit, seeking approval from others or trying to fit into societal expectations. But Rawat’s message reminds me that I have all the tools I need within myself.
Learning to trust my inner voice has been a game-changer. I’ve realized that true contentment doesn’t come from chasing what’s outside, but from connecting with my inner strength. This isn’t about isolating myself from the world but about recognizing that I am my constant companion, and the only person I can truly control is myself.
Practising Self-Control Every Day
One of the most powerful lessons I’ve embraced from Prem Rawat is the importance of self-control. I can’t control what happens around me, but I can control how I respond. That’s a lesson I’ve had to learn over and over. There have been moments when I’ve let my emotions get the best of me, reacting impulsively or letting stress take over. But through mindfulness and introspection, I’ve started to better understand the transient nature of my thoughts and feelings.
By taking a step back and observing my emotions instead of getting swept away by them, I’ve found a new level of calm. It’s not always easy, but this self-mastery empowers me to make conscious decisions rather than be driven by fleeting impulses. It’s a reminder that every action I take is a choice, and those choices shape my reality.
Taking Responsibility for My Actions—and the Planet
Prem Rawat’s message isn’t just about personal growth; it’s also about the responsibility we each hold in facing the world’s challenges, like climate change. This hits home for me. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the enormity of global issues, thinking that my actions are just a drop in the ocean. But Rawat’s teachings have helped me see that my daily choices matter. Each of us has a role to play, and I’ve learned that I can’t just wait for others to take action.
Whether it’s reducing waste, conserving energy, or making more conscious decisions about what I consume, I try to remember that my actions have an impact. It’s not about being perfect, but about taking responsibility for my footprint on this planet. Every small effort adds up, and by doing what I can, I’m contributing to a collective effort to avert disaster.
Embracing My Solitude as Empowerment
The idea of being born and dying alone used to feel a bit daunting to me, even sad. But over time, I’ve started to see it as a source of empowerment. Solitude doesn’t have to mean loneliness; it’s a chance to connect deeply with myself. In quiet moments of reflection, I find the space to understand my true desires, fears, and values without the noise of the outside world.
I’ve learned to appreciate the present moment, as Rawat often speaks about. Being fully aware of the here and now helps me find peace that isn’t dependent on anyone or anything else. It’s this presence that allows me to engage with life more authentically, free from the constant pull of past regrets or future worries.
It is teaching me the true meaning of "there but for the grace of God, go I". In fact, it harks back to my teenage times as a card-holding member of an anarchist group, where I understood the term "Anarchy" to mean personal responsibility and with respect for your fellow-humans. At that time it made sense, but no experience. Now it makes sense as that is what I try to practice with my fellow-travellers.
Conclusion: My Path to Inner Peace and Responsibility
Prem Rawat’s teachings have been a guide in reminding me that my most important relationship is with myself. By nurturing self-reliance, practising self-control, and embracing my solitude, I’ve found a deeper sense of purpose and peace. But it’s also about taking responsibility—both for my actions and for the world around me. Climate change is a stark reminder that each of us needs to step up, every day, in whatever small ways we can.
This journey inward has taught me that true freedom and responsibility lie within. I am the one steering my life, and every decision I make counts. So, I’ll keep working on being the best version of myself—not just for me, but for the world we all share.
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