Our Sitemap will get you there!
- My Blog
- The Rising Tide of Stupidity: A Reflection on Modern Society
- Understanding the miracle off life
- Why Would Anyone Want to Live Forever?
- The Soul: A Drop in the Divine Ocean
- Happy New Year in 2025. Today's THE day!
- What Do Others Think of Me, and Is It Important?
- Meddling with Nature: The Unseen Costs and Urgent Need for Change
- The Cosmic Miracle of You Being Alive
- The three rules for a life without bad things happening most of the time
- Greed and money are the main cause for the continuous increase in poverty
- Inheritance. Weird thing is inheritance. What would anyone really like to inherit?
- The Miracle of Existence: Making the Most of Our Brief Time
- The Power of Now: Navigating Pressures and Making Conscious Choices
- Being Comfortable with Myself: Is That Possible?
- Living Masters and Prophets: What's that all about?
- Who Am I? A Reflection on Identity and Breath
- Action and Reaction: Which is More Important?
- Who Are You, Really?
- The Purpose of Life: Doing Good from Within
- Greed, Conflict, and Resource Wars: Is Humanity Heading Toward Self-Destruction? A conversation.
- Letting Go of Illusions: A Path to Inner Peace and Clarity for me
- Embracing Uniqueness: Breaking Free from the Herd Mentality
- Freedom - a word much used, but with little thought or understanding
- Reducing Duplication Costs in Switzerland’s Political System
- Switzerland’s Climate Challenge: Rising Catastrophes and Migration
- Switzerland’s Political Stagnation: A Nation Stuck in Neutral
- The Chaos of Political Arrogance and Greed in a Broken World
- Global Governance Trends: Democracy, Autocracy, and Hybrids
- Global Imbalance: Hunger, Obesity, and Biodiversity Loss
- Balancing Heart and Mind: The Path to Humanity
- Zionism vs. Mosaic Law: A Divergence in Principles
- The Unseen War: Palestine’s Struggle for Justice
- Collective Guilt: Racism, Refugees, and History’s Weight
- The Illusion of Control and the Power of Choice
- Self-Reliance and Responsibility in Life's Journey
- No Bread, Just Games: The Urgent Need for Genuine Action on Climate Change
- Why is There So Little Real Justice in the World Today?
- The way Israel was "Created" meant the creation of resistance groups like Hamas.
- Of course, almost everyone is insane! Are you nuts too?
- Let's be clear: Israel is NOT Jewish! It's Zionist!
- Who is pulling your strings? Who's tune are you dancing to?
- Why Do People Vote for Stupid Idiots, even when it's clear?
- Celebrating Mass Murder by the State and especially Business
- History is useless unless we can and do learn from it
- Only love makes me cry and so many kindnesses are shown daily
- People or Humans? Which group do I want to belong to?
- I ask myself, what is the purpose of religious organisations?
- The Pale Blue Dot - a reminder that we need perspective
- Zionism is the root cause of all troubles in the Middle East
- The Tao Te Ching - Wisdom that helped me understand
- Which are the Autocratic countries of the world, currently?
- The beginnings for me - a special moment in my life
- Blame, instead of listening - most of us do that, most of the time.
- Consciousness and Respect - two fundamental necessities
- Are Humans the stupidest Creatures on the planet? I am beginnin to think so.
- The Bhagavad Gita - key passage in the Mahabharata
- Good enough - part of a key phrase that support me and others
- Anthropomorphic God - is that what Religions worship?
- Descartes Discourses or do I think therefore I am?
- Reincarnation - Life after death? What do we really know?
- Sufism, mystical Islamic belief and practice, based on love
- Human Education - are we focussing on the right bits?
- The Laws of Form - A Treatise by George Spencer-Brown
- Mammon, God of Greed, Stupidity and Ignorance - here now!
- The Discourses of Swami Vivekananda - based on the recorded Talks
- The real Miracle is frequently overlooked by everyone
- Feelings - what do we mean? Do we mean the same thing?
- The Power of Now! My take on that in poster format.
- Alive and Conscious? What happens at birth and after
- Balance is always important . Easy to gain, easy to lose.
- Christian Science - Humbug or not? A question of interpretation
- They should do something about it, shouldn't they?
- Fear as the driving force behind so many situations
- Take Personal Responsibility or Blame Somebody Else?
- What is religion? What exactly does this term refer to?
- Coronavirus - and the Future? It'll take care of itself?
- Science or what? The dilemma of the Observer Effect.
- Quantum Mechanics - Where are the boundaries between things?
- We often make huge efforts - All for lazyness' sake!
- Real love - what is that? Here's a view that makes sense to me.
- Educating the ignorant - how can we improve the social behaviour?
- Fear and the Coronavirus - Don't let it get to you!
- The problem with religion is.... the lack of experience
- Lemmings and Ostriches - is that why we act so weird?
- Blame! Blame! Blame! It's definitely not MY fault!
- What is Love .... Reality or Illusion? Changeable or not?
- Expectations and Illusion - why we always fall for it
- There's Ignorance and then there's wilful ignorance
- Sex = Love? Are the two really just the same thing?
- Together against each other. Contradictory? Of course!
- To vaccinate or not? That is the question asked today!
- So, who CAN you trust? There is only one answer to that.
- Being old means being stupid, apparently, in today's world.
- Money, money, money, makes the world fall down the plughole
- For me, Kindness is the true reality. All else comes from Illusion
- Are you still who you always were? And who is that?
- There's enough work to go around for all who want to, but..
- Today is the only day of your life, and don't forget that.
- My generation - the so-called "Baby Boomers" had it best.
- I love watching others work... Better them than me!
- We are slaves to pleasure. It's the key driver for behaviour.
- Here's some encouragement for all of us, during lockdown
- The "Butterflies and Tornados" theory from Eduard Lorenz
- Heart or Mind Decisions. What does that refer to? Made me think.
- Nationalism - a fundamental Illusion of Freedom. Borders mean War.
- Alone is not alone, as I've been finding out during Lockdown
- "Fear of God"? Why on Earth should I fear the Divine?
- Often mentioned, but what does "life after death" mean?
- Here's a question: Do rituals help me become conscious?
- Trying to please everybody, is not an option that works.
- I want to become a better Human Being. But how to do that?
- "Love" is far to frequently used to create modern slavery
- Simplicity - it's far to complicated to understand, apparently.
- The blame game using an almost random example from the USA
- What have all these well-known, public people, in common?
- Frightened of death? What exactly are we frightned of?
- Greed is a sickness which appears to be based on duty
- What's the difference between Adults and babies from your perspective?
- What makes us human - here's a possible answer. Listen to the Video.
- What is religion anyway? Her's Swami Vivekanada's take:
- Planet Earth: home for the clinically insane, or so it seems
- Forerunners of the four horsemen of the apocalypse
- Start with Answers, not Questions Sounds crazy, but is it?
- November includes "Remembrance Day", at least in the UK
- I want to be happy! I'm sure you want to be happy too!
- "Sitting up Mud and Lying down Mud" - a great quote!
- The absurdity of War is saddening in it's repetiveness
- Civilisation is the wrong word to associate with humanity
- Clearly we, as modern human beings know nothing about parenting
- Neti Neti (Not this, not this) - the best description of the Divine
- Love is...... Which defintion do you have for this feeling?
- What's the point in living? Ever asked that question?
- Are today's politicians all crooks or just plain stupid?
- Justice v. Law - what kind of realtionship do we have here?
- Comparing religious organisations v religion. How does it stack up?
- I just don't get it! This world just gets crazier!
- It's never too late for consciousness, as far as I'm concerned
- Remember this from the Bible: Love thy neighbour...
- The illusion which hides in plain sight behind sexism
- The ancient story of the two wolves - worth pondering.
- Illusion? What illusion? I know what I'm looking at - or do I?